Live Instructor-Led Training
Certified Instructor
Extensive Hands-on Lab Activities
One Exam Voucher (Valued at $1100.00 ) with one year validity
Practice Exam
Refreshments (N/A: Virtual)
Lunch (N/A: Evening & Virtual)
Daily Indoor Garage Parking Fee (N/A: Evening & Virtual)
One Year FREE Course Retake Policy at ASM HQ Facility
Certified Ethical Hacker
(CEH) Course:
EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Live Course
CEH Online Self-Paced Streaming Video Course (1 year access)
CEH Practical Exam – Live Cyber Range Challenge (Up to 6 hours)
(Pen-Test) Course
CPENT Online Self-Paced Streaming Video Course (1 year access)
(Computer Forensics) Course:
CHFI Online Self-Paced Streaming Video Course (1 year access)
What do you need for Virtual/Zoom class?
Computer & Internet Access
All students will be provided with URL information, to link to the Zoom class that they have signed up for, the required lab facilities, and a toll free number for completely integrated audio.
Career Changer (Am I ready for a career change and do what I love)?
Is IT Right For You? (Is your personality and preferences a good fit for an IT career?)
How Do Your Skills Transfer To IT? (Find out what IT jobs are best for you?)
What Type Of Learner Are You? (People learn differently!)
Your IT Personality Test (Personality is everything—now what?)
CEHv11 is a comprehensive Ethical Hacking and Information Systems Security Auditing program focusing on latest security threats, advanced attack vectors, and practical real time demonstration of the latest Hacking Techniques, methodologies, tools, tricks, and security measures. Unlike other strictly theoretical training, you will be immersed in interactive sessions with hands-on labs after each topic. You can explore your newly gained knowledge right away in your classroom by pentesting, hacking and securing your own systems. The lab intensive environment gives you in-depth knowledge and practical experience with the current, essential security systems. You will first begin with understanding how perimeter defenses work and then move into scanning and attacking networks, of course, no real network is harmed. You will also learn how intruders escalate privileges and what steps can be taken to secure a system. You will also gain knowledge about Intrusion Detection, Policy Creation, Social Engineering, DDoS Attacks, Buffer Overflows, and Virus Creation. When you leave this intensive 5 day class you will have hands on understanding and experience in Ethical Hacking.
Please download PDF
Course Name | Date | Days/Time | Course Code | Price | Register |
Certified Ethical Hacker (Evening) | May 08 - 31, 2023 | Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 6 pm to 10 pm (3 Nights/Week) | CEH_E38_23 | $3,995.00 | |
Certified Ethical Hacker (Evening) | Jun 05 - 26, 2023 | Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 6 pm to 10 pm (3 Nights/Week) | CEH_E39_23 | $3,995.00 |
<div class="blue-box blueBoxMarginTop"><a class="paypal_link" href="¤cy_code=USD&amount=3495.00&item_name=CEH%20Evening%20Training.%20%28CEH_E4%29"><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i>Register</a> <span class="CourseSchDate">TBD</span><span class="CourseSchCode">(CEH_E4)</span><span class="CourseSchDays">Tuesday & Thursday</span>6 pm to 10 pm
Washington DC Metropolitan Area
Rockville, Maryland